A JEWISH APPEAL When the time had come for the Jews to return to Zion, God stirred up the spirit of Cyrus AND the Jews (Ezra 1:1,5). Not everyone was willing to leave Babylon, having settled in, but others inspired with a pioneer spirit were willing to go back home and clear the way for those who would eventually follow (Jer. 29:4-7). Those who stayed behind were encouraged to assist those who were headed for the front line. Their consequent generosity went down on record, and revealed how eager and willing they were to be involved in such a HISTORIC PROJECT and HOLY MISSION. This partnership, based on mutual respect, in God's Work of Restoration, revealed they understood how some are commissioned to build with the materials others are contracted to provide. It's most encouraging to know others are behind you and that God blesses everyone's genuine efforts (2 Cor. 9:10). Now, God's time has come to RESTORE THE TRUE GOSPEL TO JERUSALEM! The Church began in Jerusalem and was PROPHESIED A JEWISH APPEAL When the time had come for the Jews to return to Zion, God stirred up the spirit of Cyrus AND the Jews (Ezra 1:1,5). Not everyone was willing to leave Babylon, having settled in, but others inspired with a pioneer spirit were willing to go back home and clear the way for those who would eventually follow (Jer. 29:4-7). Those who stayed behind were encouraged to assist those who were headed for the front line. Their consequent generosity went down on record, and revealed how eager and willing they were to be involved in such a HISTORIC PROJECT and HOLY MISSION. This partnership, based on mutual respect, in God's Work of Restoration, revealed they understood how some are commissioned to build with the materials others are contracted to provide. It's most encouraging to know others are behind you and that God blesses everyone's genuine efforts (2 Cor. 9:10). Now, God's time has come to RESTORE THE TRUE GOSPEL TO JERUSALEM! The Church began in Jerusalem and was PROPHESIED TO RETURN just before the close of this dark age and the dawn of the Wonderful World Tomorrow (Matt. 24:16). The Jews were the first to be offered salvation and now they'll be the last to receive it - but they will receive it (Zech. 12:10). Everything has come full circle (Matt. 23:39). Mr. Armstrong reached Israel's leaders, but never the general population. Now with God's message of warning and hope, BEYOND BABYLON - EUROPE'S RISE AND FALL, has the prophetic potential to reach Judah from WITHIN Israel. We must sound the alarm from Zion (Joel 2:1). What's spoken in Jerusalem is heard around the world (Joel 3:16). We have the opportunity - and responsibility - to WARN JUDAH that a German-led Europe is about to make their move into the Middle East! "Roman troops" will again occupy the Holy Land (Isa. 40:9)! Who else can warn them? Who else can help restore Israel's identity (Isa. 49:5), and say to Judah, "I am Joseph your brother"? I've done what I can to direct countless people in Israel - from all over the world - to Mr. Armstrong's book, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, as well as promoting God's truth contained in my book, BEYOND BABYLON (that is firmly built upon our Identity Doctrine). Scores have expressed more than an interest in receiving their personal copy, and have given me their addresses to be put on our waiting list. I've flooded Carl Brown (editor of The National Messenger Magazine) with their requests, since he handles that operation in the States. But brethren, it would be far more effective and cost efficient to publish BEYOND BABYLON in Israel. These people are spiritually starved and their appetites have been whetted. Will we send then away hungry? Shouldn't we walk through this door of opportunity God has graciously provided? It's a privilege and an honor to have any part in God's great work! If you feel inspired to help build up God's truth in Zion, by supporting the publication of Beyond Babylon in Jerusalem, NOW is the time to act (Amos 9:11; Zech. 4:6). We must work while it is yet day, for the long night fast approaches (Isa. 60:1-2). Thankfully, God's light will continue to shine through the Two Witnesses. Let us help to prepare for their imminent arrival and get the Word out! In the love of God and Israel, David Ben-Ariel Please send all correspondence to: The National Messenger 751 Valley Circle Drive #105 Saline, Michigan 48176